CLI - Command Line Interface Simulation

A fun experiment showcasing a personal website by simulating a command line interface.

Type help and press Enter -- for available commands.


I am an aspiring startup founder on a self-improvement journey. I find purpose in everything I do, be it at the gym or in the office. I always strive to do my best, and my progress is a testament to the power of resilience, dedication, and discipline.

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Programming challenge for self-taught software engineers

Self-taught software engineers struggle to transition smoothly into the workforce due to a lack of practical experience relevant to their roles, in contrast to university students who have access to internships and work placements.

XP is a group challenge for self-taught software engineers to gain practical experience by building real-life projects with guidance from seasoned professionals.

One student who worked on our backend Twitter clone project got a job offer by leveraging the hands-on experience he gained from completing our tasks. This project aims to provide guidance on breaking down requirements, creating API documentation, designing and creating SQL tables, and implementing API. Tech stack: Python (Flask) and MySQL.

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HARD SKILLS: HTML,CSS,JS(in progress), WIX, Adalo, Canva, ChatGBT, Copywriting, SEO, Social Media, Content Creation, Buffer

SOFT SKILLS: Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Work Ethic, Creativity, Fast Learner, Teamwork, Analytical, Critical thinking, Problem-solving

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Phone: +44 7450209068

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-Placed an ad during a live stream on Twitch, which was viewed by 54k viewers and resulted in 1.2 million additional views in three days.

-Leveraged AI tools to clip YouTube videos for TikTok, achieving over 70k views.

-Assisted a startup founder in validating a business idea by executing a targeted email campaign, sending 300 emails overnight.

-Scaled an Amazon business to $10k revenue using PPC strategies while managing academic responsibilities in college.

-Engaged with over 100 co-founders on Y Combinator's platform, collaborating on various projects.

download my CV

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Command not found!

Type help and press Enter -- for available commands.


Type command + Enter
